Workshops are held virtually on zoom, in a post-pandemic world we may be able to coordinate in-person. Click the links below or scroll for more information and to register.
I embrace a healing-centered approach to learning (check out a video by Laura Yakas here). Healing-centered means creating a space of choice, flexibility, and transparency and fostering belonging, healing, and accessibility. I hope that participants will help me to create a space that is free of judgment, contributes to wellbeing, and is always seeking new ways to be accessible to people of all body-minds.
This course was incredibly eye-opening and insightful. I learned a lot about myself and see the conflicts I am a part of with so much more clarity. I found myself wishing everyone I work with and all my family members and friends could take it so we could all come at conflict using this approach.
—Maddy Frey, November 2021 Cohort
This course was one of the most practical, well-structured and useful learnings I've done on conflict skills. I wish everyone could do it! luna clearly put an incredible amount of thought, effort and time into it. More importantly, luna was beyond generous in sharing her own experiences, expertise and knowledge with us in ways that were affirming and accessible. I'm so happy I did this - I also feel like I found a mini community of beautiful like-minded people to keep learning with.
—Nishma Jethwa, November 2021 Cohort
I found the aspects on escalation for generative conflict, generative exercise of power, and communication techniques - particularly imaginative curiosity - to be especially profound. I think as people trying to work toward a better world, many of us might often get so bogged down in lived realities of oppression that it's difficult to think that we can access and harness our own power to try to affect the change we want to see. I felt the aspects mentioned above offered a way to more deliberately bring tools that we have at our disposal to manifest this change to the forefront. Honestly, I can't point to one thing about this course that I didn't find relevant or useful in some way. Regardless of the context in which we actually find ourselves putting these skills to use - whether in relation to oppression/an explicit power dynamic or not - we can all stand to be better communicators with one another. Much gratitude to this course for solidifying this understanding.
—Natalie Leach, November 2021 Cohort
The depth of insight and reflection Luna brought to the course and the materials was clearly evident and really rich and valuable. Everything was presented in a very approachable and applicable way. There was a lot that will need more time outside of the course to continue exploring and reflecting on, however, I feel clear on how to do that work with the information Luna shared. Luna is all around great to work with and this class is incredibly valuable if you're trying to better your own understanding of conflict and how to approach things differently and in a more skilled/informed way. I absolutely recommend making the time to do this as soon as you can.
—Anonymous, 2022 Conflict Skills 1 Cohort
Conflict Skills 1
A Responsive Approach to Conflict
4 weeks
October 2021
January 2022
March 2022
June 2022
September 2022
Next offering:
This course will not be offered live again.
September 25 is your last chance to take this course in an interactive setting; an asynchronous option may be available next year.
Week 1:
Anti-Oppression & Conflict Transformation
Week 2:
Understanding Conflict (Transformation) Dynamics
Week 3:
A Responsive Approach
Week 4:
Addressing Power Dynamics
A 4-session course for conflict beginners who would like to gain insight and skill for conflict with friends, partners, family, colleagues, comrades, and acquaintances. The course takes an anti-oppressive approach to conflict, provides a structured process for moving conflicts forward, practical techniques for making decisions that lead to mutual benefit, and how to address power dynamics.
Conflict Skills 2
Communication in Conflict
2 Sessions
November 2021
February 2022
April 2022
September 2022
Next offering:
This course will not be offered live again.
September 3 is your last chance to take this course in an interactive setting; an asynchronous option may be available next year.
Session 1:
What is Communication?
Techniques for Deep Listening
Session 2:
What is Understanding? Techniques for Clear Expression
A two session course for conflict beginners who would like to gain insight and skill to listen deeply and communicate in ways that lead to understanding. The course takes an anti-oppressive approach to communication that subverts control, coercion, and abuse.
Conflict Skills 3
Anti-Oppressive Approaches to (De)Escalation
1 Session
November 2021
February 2022
April 2022
July 2022
Next offering:
This course will not be offered again.
An asynchronous option may be available next year (2023)
What is generative conflict?
What is escalation?
Deciding whether to de/escalate
How to de/escalate
A single session to explore escalation and de-escalation through an anti-oppressive lens, to understand when, how, and why we might choose to escalate or de-escalate a conflict. Participants will have the opportunity to gain techniques for both escalating and de-escalating interpersonal and community conflicts.
Conflict Skills: 4
Organizational Structures for Addressing Conflict
3 Sessions
Next offering:
Tailored courses are no longer available in 2022 / winter 2023. Feel free to check back in Spring 2023.